Stick figures stand on two platforms connected by a balanced scale, highlighting the importance of equality in the face of discrimination and racism.

We at BDB e.V. (Bund für Antidiskriminierungs- und Bildungsarbeit / Association for Anti-Discrimination and Educational Work) have been offering counselling for and training in the field of anti-discrimination and anti-racism to people affected by racism since 1996. In addition, we are work together with our networks to shed light on relevant legislation and state structures in a way that is critical of discrimination. Our goal is to create a stronger awareness of discrimination and racism within society, to counteract discrimination on various levels and to contribute to equal coexistence in society.

Our work

Are you looking for advice and help?

Have you been treated badly because of your “skin colour”, nationality, culture or religion? We listen to what you have experienced and support you in looking for a solution to deal with it.

You are welcome to contact us!

more informations

Training and process support

Are you looking for workshops or trainings to better deal with your own experiences of discrimination? Are you looking for awareness-raising training on racism or other forms of discrimination? Do you want to develop diversity-oriented work structures in your organisation?

We are happy to support you!

more informations

Political work

Are you looking for people with whom you can exchange ideas on how to deal with discrimination? Would you like to become politically active and get involved against discrimination?

We offer spaces for exchange and political activism!

more informations


What is racism? What is discrimination? What is the General Equal Treatment Act and who does it protect? What is racial profiling? Here we discuss these and other terms and give a list of reading material on them.



Here you can find reading suggestions, flyers and links to other organisations in the field of discrimination.


Do you need counselling?

Office hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Tel: 030 / 216 88 84


In addition to online, video and telephone counselling, we offer face-to-face counselling by appointment.