Project Description
Beratung der Basis!
BERATUNG DER BASIS! Community-Empowerment in MSOs
Migrant organisations (MSOs) are approached regularly for support from their communities, also when people in these communities face discrimination. The model project “Beratung der Basis!” (Community of/for the Base) is a training program which helps strengthen those African MSOs which (also inofficially) counsel their members in discrimination cases by offering professional and methodological tools for antidiscrimination counselling. This training program also offers them opportunities to develop their networks with other MSOs for counseling and political cooperation. It takes place between March and November 2021 in four block seminars and two network meetings. The project was developed in cooperation with ADVD (Antidiscrimination Association of Germany).
This project was made possible with the financial supported of the deutsche Postcode Lotterie